Meny Group is the home for all aspects of financial real estate

All under one roof
The world of investments and finance holds countless possibilities, and on the other hand many dangers. In order to invest wisely and ultimately enjoy the fruits of your investment, you need extensive knowledge, in-depth familiarity with the field of investments and the many options currently available in the field, and of course understanding and mastery of all areas of finance. Meny Group concentrates under one roof all the knowledge required to make a successful investment. Starting from the process of raising funds for investment, utilizing a variety of fundraising channels, that will allow you to invest even if you do not have a liquid amount of money to invest at the beginning of the process, until choosing the investment track that suits exactly the goals you set.
In addition, we at Meny Group have developed a variety of unique investment tracks that are insured and allow you to invest your money with minimal risks, while generating profits from the investment process and not only at its successful conclusion. Our professional team are veterans in this field, well acquainted with all investment channels, whether you choose to invest in real estate, credit card companies and even if you want a solid and safe launch field such as investing in bonds. We will provide you with all the necessary knowledge to choose the best channel for you and assist you throughout the process. At Meny Group you will find a warm and safe home for your money, and you will be able to leave with the destination you dreamed of reaching. Whether it’s a new home, children’s weddings, or even improving future housing conditions. We will do everything so that you leave with your hands full.

About the Team

Menachem Greenbaum

Founder & Owner

Married with three children, lives in Modiin, holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics and capital markets. Specializes in the world of investments and real estate for over a decade.

Elhanan Shapira

Elhanan Shapira


Married with 3 children, BA in Business Administration. Master’s degree in public policy and government. Expert in both public and private megaproject management.

John Garcia

VP Marketing

Married with 3 children, lives in Modiin, was born in Holland and immigrated to Israel 7 years ago
Background in international business, real estate and marketing.

Matania Gamliel

Chief Operating Officer

Married with one child and living in Givat Ze’ev, Matania holds a certificate in civil engineering with expertise in execution and extensive experience in project management.

Yehuda Hezi

Financial Planner

Married with three children, lives in Beit Shemesh, holds a pension license from the Ministry of Finance.

Roi Ohana

Director of Credit & Finance

Married with 5 children, lives in Jerusalem, holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration. About 14 years in the world of banking and finance.

Shai Miron

Digital Marketing

Married and father of 2 daughters, lives in Tel Aviv, specializes in digital marketing on a variety of platforms, search engines, social networks and e-commerce sites.